Beer 101 | Beer: The New Sports Drink

Do you often search for something to quench your thirst after a difficult workout? Move over Gatorade – a new study shows why your next post-workout drink can be found at your local neighborhood bar.
Researchers from Granada University in Spain recently found that beer functions better to rehydrate your body after a workout more so than water or Gatorade. Professors claim that the carbonation in beer help quench thirst, while the carbohydrates help replace calories lost during workouts.
While this may sound too good to be true, we would definitely be inclined to hit the gym more often if it meant that we could rehydrate afterwards with a delicious beer or two.
With the Bridge Run coming up this Saturday, now is the perfect time for you to put this theory to the test. Swing by Charleston Beer Works after the run to rehydrate with a cold one and relax with us!